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End Violence Against Children
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Decade of Learning

Inception of people’s cultural center in the year of 1990 can said to be a move directed towards the present day’s augmenting inequality, insecurity, vulnerability, depravedness and other such factors which gradually shattering the life support systems of a common man, at an alarming rate. The genesis of the organization can be traced as a socio – culture apex body, which provide a wide platform for young energy who are pioneer of PECUC. PECUC started its journey in 1990 organizing children’s festival with participation of around 7500 children at Bhubaneswar and health care of slum children of Bhubaneswar city. Earlier days campaign, folk arts, rallies, seminars, cultural program which aimed to evoke & aware people with the trap of vicious factors of underdevelopment later boiled down to well knitted, concretely & critically designed plan and implementation. The Organization has progress since then with a range of community based activities viz. Community organization, Women Organization, Self Help Group Promotion, Working for the cause and care of the elderly, Relief Distribution & rehabilitation, Disaster Preparedness, Child Labour elimination, Women and Child development, Drug Counseling and De-Addiction, Environment Protection and Plantation, Tribal development, Health Care and environmental sanitation, Watershed etc. PECUC moved with emerging issues of people’s need and “this shift consider as a logical response to our progressive and clear understanding of crucial fundamental principle and premises which have grown with the experiences over the years “.

When we began it was clear; no doubt how provoking & brainstorming our cultural programmes were our task would not be accomplished without helping people to combat with their basic needs & demands. For a sustainable approach in this regard people’s empowerment {socio, political & economical etc} is a vital component. The other basic changes in our perception of task was the realization though overall village development is needed but emphasis should be laid more to those section which in the name of caste creed, age and sex has been deprived of their basic human rights. All these learning during nineties, from the solid field experience enables us to give a meaningful vision & mission to PECUC and helped us to crystallize our focus group and areas of intervention. 

The Decade of Learning is the open book of PECUC’s endeavors during 1990 to 1999 AD.

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